Form.has_changed() Use the has_changed() method on your Form when you need to check if the form data
BoundField.auto_id The HTML ID attribute for this BoundField. Returns an empty string if Form.auto_id
Form.is_multipart() If you’re writing reusable views or templates, you may not know ahead of time whether your form is a multipart
BoundField.label The
Form.has_error(field, code=None) This method returns a boolean designating whether a field has an error with a specific error
Form.is_bound If you need to distinguish between bound and unbound form instances at runtime, check the value of the form’s
BoundField.form The Form instance this BoundField is bound to.
BoundField.help_text The This property returns the data for this BoundField extracted by the widget’s The name of this field in the form: >>>
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