BoundField.help_text The
Form.clean() Implement a clean() method on your Form when you must add custom validation for fields
Form.as_ul() as_ul() renders the form as a series of <li> tags, with each <li>
Form.as_table() Finally, as_table() outputs the form as an HTML <table>. This is exactly the
BoundField.is_hidden Returns True if this BoundField‘s widget is hidden.
BoundField.value() [source] Use this method to render the raw value of this field as it would
Form.add_error(field, error) This method allows adding errors to specific fields from within the Form.clean() method
class Form [source] To create an unbound Form instance, simply instantiate the
Form.is_valid() The primary task of a Form object is to validate data. With a bound Form instance
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