add(geom) Adds a geometry to this geometry collection. Not applicable to other geometry types.
width The width of the band in pixels (X-axis).
disjoint(other) Returns True if this geometry is spatially disjoint to (i.e. does not intersect) the other, otherwise
class Field name Returns the name of this field:
class Driver(dr_input) The Driver class is used internally to wrap an OGR DataSource driver.
fid Returns the feature identifier within the layer: >>>
layer_count Returns the number of layers in the data source.
extent Returns the envelope of this geometry as a 4-tuple, instead of as an Envelope object:
local Returns True if this spatial reference is local (root node is LOCAL_CS).
num_fields Returns the number of fields of data associated with the feature. This will be the same for all features in a given
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