class OpenLayersWidget This is the default widget used by all GeoDjango form fields. template_name is gis/openlayers
class OSMWidget This widget uses an OpenStreetMap base layer (Mapnik) to display geographic objects on. template_name
BaseGeometryWidget.display_raw Boolean value specifying if a textarea input showing the serialized representation of the current
class MultiLineStringField
BaseGeometryWidget.template_name The template used to render the map widget. You can pass widget
BaseGeometryWidget.map_width Height and width of the widget map (default is 400x600).
class MultiPolygonField
class BaseGeometryWidget This is an abstract base widget containing the logic needed by subclasses. You cannot directly use
BaseGeometryWidget.map_srid SRID code used by the map (default is 4326).
BaseGeometryWidget.geom_type The OpenGIS geometry type, generally set by the form field.
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