prefetch_related(*lookups) Returns a QuerySet that will automatically retrieve, in a single batch, related objects
create(**kwargs) A convenience method for creating an object and saving it all in one step. Thus:
update_or_create(defaults=None, **kwargs) A convenience method for updating an object with the given kwargs, creating
earliest(field_name=None) Works otherwise like latest() except the direction is changed.
class Sum(expression, output_field=None, **extra) [source] Computes the sum of all values
bulk_create(objs, batch_size=None) This method inserts the provided list of objects into the database in an efficient manner
class Variance(expression, sample=False, **extra) [source] Returns the variance of the data
select_related(*fields) Returns a QuerySet that will “follow” foreign-key relationships, selecting additional related-object
order_by(*fields) By default, results returned by a QuerySet are ordered by the ordering tuple given by the ordering
first() Returns the first object matched by the queryset, or None if there is no matching object. If the QuerySet
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