prefetch_related(*lookups) Returns a QuerySet that will automatically retrieve, in a single batch, related objects
values(*fields) Returns a QuerySet that returns dictionaries, rather than model instances, when used as an iterable
delete() Performs an SQL delete query on all rows in the QuerySet and returns the number of objects deleted and
prefetch_related_objects(model_instances, *related_lookups) [source]
count() Returns an integer representing the number of objects in the database matching the QuerySet. The count()
class Avg(expression, output_field=FloatField(), **extra) [source] Returns the mean value
class Q [source] A Q() object, like an
using(alias) This method is for controlling which database the QuerySet will be evaluated against if you are using
class Max(expression, output_field=None, **extra) [source] Returns the maximum value of the
create(**kwargs) A convenience method for creating an object and saving it all in one step. Thus:
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