tf.TextLineReader.restore_state(state, name=None) Restore a reader to a previously saved state. Not
class tf.TextLineReader A Reader that outputs the lines of a file delimited by newlines. Newlines
tf.QueueBase.shapes The list of shapes for each component of a queue element.
tf.VarLenFeature.__getstate__() Exclude the OrderedDict from pickling
tf.QueueBase.dequeue_many(n, name=None) Dequeues and concatenates n elements from this queue. This
tf.ReaderBase.serialize_state(name=None) Produce a string tensor that encodes the state of a reader. Not
tf.parse_single_example(serialized, features, name=None, example_names=None) Parses a single Example proto.
tf.decode_raw(bytes, out_type, little_endian=None, name=None) Reinterpret the bytes of a string as a vector of numbers., name=None) Returns the next record (key, value pair) produced by a reader. Will
class tf.PriorityQueue A queue implementation that dequeues elements in prioritized order. See
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