tf.polygamma(a, x, name=None) Compute the polygamma function \(\psi^{(n)}(x)\). The polygamma
tf.tan(x, name=None) Computes tan of x element-wise. Args:
tf.neg(x, name=None) Computes numerical negative value element-wise. I.e., (y = -x).
tf.conj(x, name=None) Returns the complex conjugate of a complex number. Given a tensor input
tf.atan(x, name=None) Computes atan of x element-wise. Args:
tf.matrix_set_diag(input, diagonal, name=None) Returns a batched matrix tensor with new batched diagonal values.
tf.cumsum(x, axis=0, exclusive=False, reverse=False, name=None) Compute the cumulative sum of the tensor x along
tf.squared_difference(x, y, name=None) Returns (x - y)(x - y) element-wise. NOTE:
tf.ceil(x, name=None) Returns element-wise smallest integer in not less than x. Args:
tf.segment_max(data, segment_ids, name=None) Computes the maximum along segments of a tensor. Read
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