public forUpdate (mixed $sqlQuery) Returns a SQL modified with a FOR UPDATE clause
implements Phalcon\Events\EventsAwar
public dropView (mixed $viewName, [mixed $schemaName], [mixed $ifExists]) Drops a view
public getSqlVariables () Active SQL bound parameter variables
public boolean updateAsDict (string $table, array $data, [string $whereCondition], [array $dataTypes])
public setDialect (Phalcon\Db\DialectInterface
public addPrimaryKey (mixed $tableName, mixed $schemaName,
public Phalcon\Db\Index[] describeIndexes (string
public fetchOne (mixed $sqlQuery, [mixed $fetchMode], [mixed $bindParams], [mixed $bindTypes]) Returns
public dropIndex (mixed $tableName, mixed $schemaName, mixed $indexName) Drop an index from a table
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