public limit (mixed $sqlQuery, mixed $number) Appends a LIMIT clause to $sqlQuery argument
public createSavepoint (mixed $name) Creates a new savepoint
public boolean delete (string | array $table, [string $whereCondition], [array $placeholders], [array
public dropColumn (mixed $tableName, mixed $schemaName, mixed $columnName) Drops a column from a
public describeReferences (mixed $table, [mixed $schema]) Lists table references
public listViews ([mixed $schemaName]) List all views on a database
public tableExists (mixed $tableName, [mixed $schemaName]) Generates SQL checking for the existence of a
public string getConnectionId () Gets the active connection unique identifier
public releaseSavepoint (mixed $name) Releases given savepoint
public getDescriptor () Return descriptor used to connect to the active database
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