public setShared (mixed $name, mixed $definition) Registers an “always shared” service in the services container
public offsetExists (mixed $name) Check if a service is registered using the array syntax
public set (mixed $name, mixed $definition, [mixed $shared]) Registers a service in the services
public attempt (mixed $name, mixed $definition, [mixed $shared]) Attempts to register a service
public offsetGet (mixed $name) Allows to obtain a shared service using the array syntax
public wasFreshInstance () Check whether the last service obtained via getShared produced a fresh instance or an existing one
public getRaw (mixed $name) Returns a service definition without resolving
public setRaw (mixed $name, Phalcon
public mixed getShared (string $name, [array $parameters]) Resolves a service, the resolved service
public getService (mixed $name) Returns a Phalcon\Di\Service instance
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