Dependency Injection/Service Location

Before reading this section, it is wise to read

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Command Line Applications

CLI applications are executed from the command line. They are useful to create cron jobs, scripts, command utilities and more. Structure

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ODM (Object-Document Mapper)

In addition to its ability to map tables in relational databases,

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Using Controllers

Actions are methods on a controller that handle requests. By default all public methods on a controller map to actions and are accessible by a URL. Actions are responsible

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Working with Models (Advanced)

Hydration Modes As mentioned previously, resultsets are collections of complete objects, this means that every returned result is an object

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Model Transactions

When a process performs multiple database operations, it might be important that each step is completed successfully so that data integrity can be maintained. Transactions

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Improving Performance with Cache

Phalcon provides the Phalcon\Cache class allowing faster

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Working with Namespaces

Namespaces can be used to avoid class name collisions;

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Working with Models

A model represents the information (data) of the application and the rules to manipulate that data. Models are primarily used for managing the rules of interaction with a corresponding

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Access Control Lists (ACL)

Phalcon\Acl provides an easy and lightweight management of ACLs as well as the permissions

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