Model Events

Events and Events Manager Models allow you to implement events that will be thrown while performing an insert/update/delete which can be used

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Working with Models (Advanced)

Hydration Modes As mentioned previously, resultsets are collections of complete objects, this means that every returned result is an object

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Returning Responses

Part of the HTTP cycle is returning responses to clients. Phalcon\Http\Response

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MVC Applications

All the hard work behind orchestrating the operation of MVC in Phalcon is normally done by

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Dependency Injection/Service Location

Before reading this section, it is wise to read

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Model Transactions

When a process performs multiple database operations, it might be important that each step is completed successfully so that data integrity can be maintained. Transactions

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Phalcon Query Language (PHQL)

Phalcon Query Language, PhalconQL or simply PHQL is a high-level, object-oriented SQL dialect that allows to write queries using a standardized SQL-like language. PHQL is implemented

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Working with Models

A model represents the information (data) of the application and the rules to manipulate that data. Models are primarily used for managing the rules of interaction with a corresponding

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Micro Applications

With Phalcon you can create “Micro-Framework like” applications. By doing this, you only need to write a minimal amount of code to create a PHP application. Micro applications

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Unit testing

Writing proper tests can assist in writing better software. If you set up proper test cases you can eliminate most functional bugs and better maintain your software.

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