List of examples

Following examples are full applications you can use to learn more about Phalcon and use them as base for your own websites/applications:

2016-10-16 09:51:48
Tutorial 4: Working with the CRUD

Backends usually provide forms to allow users to manipulate data. Continuing the explanation of INVO, we now address the creation of CRUDs, a very common task that Phalcon

2016-10-16 09:57:10
Installation on WAMP

WampServer is a Windows web development environment. It allows you to

2016-10-16 09:51:48
Dependency Injection Explained

The following example is a bit lengthy, but it attempts to explain why Phalcon uses service location and dependency injection. First, let’s pretend we are developing a component

2016-10-16 09:49:57
Cherokee Installation Notes

Cherokee is a high-performance web server. It is very fast, flexible

2016-10-16 09:48:21
Multi-lingual Support

The component Phalcon\Translate aids in creating multilingual applications

2016-10-16 09:52:09
Request Environment

Every HTTP request (usually originated by a browser) contains additional information regarding the request such as header data, files, variables, etc. A web based application

2016-10-16 09:56:24
Assets Management

Phalcon\Assets is a component that allows you to manage static resources such as CSS stylesheets or JavaScript

2016-10-16 09:47:40

Phalcon\Forms is a component that aids you in the creation and maintenance of forms in web applications

2016-10-16 09:50:33
Nginx Installation Notes

Nginx is a free, open-source, high-performance HTTP server and reverse

2016-10-16 09:56:10