public isPatch () Checks whether HTTP method is PATCH. if _SERVER[“REQUEST_METHOD”]===”PATCH”
public isSoapRequested () Alias of isSoap(). It will be deprecated in future versions
public getHeaders () Returns the available headers in the request
public getBestLanguage () Gets best language accepted by the browser/client from _SERVER[“HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE”]
public isConnect () Checks whether HTTP method is CONNECT. if _SERVER[“REQUEST_METHOD”]===”CONNECT”
public isStrictHostCheck () Checks if the Request::getHttpHost method will be use strict validation of host name
public isAjax () Checks whether request has been made using ajax
public getDigestAuth () Gets auth info accepted by the browser/client from $_SERVER[‘PHP_AUTH_DIGEST’]
public getRawBody () Gets HTTP raw request body
public getHttpHost () Gets host name used by the request. Request::getHttpHost trying to find host name in following
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