public getPost ([mixed $name], [mixed $filters], [mixed $defaultValue], [mixed $notAllowEmpty], [mixed $noRecursive])
public isPut () Checks whether HTTP method is PUT. if _SERVER[“REQUEST_METHOD”]===”PUT”
public getUserAgent () Gets HTTP user agent used to made the request
public getScheme () Gets HTTP schema (http/https)
public getPut ([mixed $name], [mixed $filters], [mixed $defaultValue], [mixed $notAllowEmpty], [mixed $noRecursive])
public get ([mixed $name], [mixed $filters], [mixed $defaultValue], [mixed $notAllowEmpty], [mixed $noRecursive])
public getAcceptableContent () Gets an array with mime/types and their quality accepted by the browser/client from _SERVER[“HTTP_ACCEPT”]
public hasPut (mixed $name) Checks whether the PUT data has certain index
public getServerName () Gets active server name
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