history_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) Implements
public HistoryController::getNodeReadTimestamps(Request
Returns responses for History module routes. Hierarchy class \Drupal\Core\Controller\
history_node_delete(EntityInterface $node) Implements
public HistoryController::readNode(Request $request
Entities changed before this time are always shown as read. Entities changed within this time may be marked as new, updated, or read, depending
history_read_multiple($nids) Retrieves the last viewed timestamp for each of the passed node IDs.
history_read($nid) Retrieves the timestamp for the current user's last view of a specified node.
history_attach_timestamp($node_id) #lazy_builder callback; attaches the last read timestamp for a node.
history_user_delete($account) Implements
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