Conditional-CSS - Target conditional CSS to different web browser

Conditional-CSS allows you to write maintainable CSS with conditional logic to target specific CSS statements at both individual browsers and groups of browsers.



Conditional-CSS - Features:

  • Target CSS to any web-browser
  • Streamline maintenance of your CSS files
  • Optimise your CSS
  • Work around those annoying little CSS bugs
  • Automatic expansion and inclusion of @import statements
  • Free and open source!


Conditional-CSS is available in three different formats. Which format you will wish to use will depend on your server, and the ease of installation. The available formats are:

  1. PHP - Perfect for installing Conditional-CSS on your server very quickly and easily.
  2. C# - Suitable for use under .Net (IIS / Mono) this version will run natively on Windows as either an ASHX handler, as a CGI interpreter or on the CLI.
  3. C binary - A little more involved to install, but much faster than the PHP version and can be used as an interpreter (see below for an explication).


2013-12-23 08:41:50
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