
word_wrap(text, options = {})
Instance Public methods

Wraps the text into lines no longer than line_width width. This method breaks on the first whitespace character that does not exceed line_width (which is 80 by default).

word_wrap('Once upon a time')
# => Once upon a time

word_wrap('Once upon a time, in a kingdom called Far Far Away, a king fell ill, and finding a successor to the throne turned out to be more trouble than anyone could have imagined...')
# => Once upon a time, in a kingdom called Far Far Away, a king fell ill, and finding\na successor to the throne turned out to be more trouble than anyone could have\nimagined...

word_wrap('Once upon a time', line_width: 8)
# => Once\nupon a\ntime

word_wrap('Once upon a time', line_width: 1)
# => Once\nupon\na\ntime
2015-06-20 00:00:00
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