Change the brightness and/or contrast of an image. It converts the brightness and contrast parameters into slope and intercept and calls a polynomical function to apply to the image.
Change the brightness and/or contrast of an image. It converts the brightness and contrast parameters into slope and intercept and calls a polynomical function to apply to the image.
Change the brightness and/or contrast of an image. It converts the brightness and contrast parameters into slope and intercept and calls a polynomical function to apply to the image.
Change the brightness and/or contrast of an image. It converts the brightness and contrast parameters into slope and intercept and calls a polynomical function to apply to the image.
<?php function brightnessContrastImage($imagePath, $brightness, $contrast, $channel) { $imagick = new \Imagick(realpath($imagePath)); $imagick->brightnessContrastImage($brightness, $contrast, $channel); header("Content-Type: image/jpg"); echo $imagick->getImageBlob(); } ?>
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