
(PHP 5 <= 5.3.0, PECL ming SVN)
Adds a solid fill to the shape
SWFFill SWFShape::addFill ( int $red, int $green, int $blue [, int $alpha = 255 ] )
SWFFill addFill ( SWFBitmap $bitmap [, int $flags ] )
SWFFill addFill ( SWFGradient $gradient [, int $flags ] )

SWFShape::addFill() adds a solid fill to the shape's list of fill styles. SWFShape::addFill() accepts three different types of arguments.

red, green, blue is a color (RGB mode).

The bitmap argument is an SWFBitmap() object. The flags argument can be one of the following values: SWFFILL_CLIPPED_BITMAP, SWFFILL_TILED_BITMAP, SWFFILL_LINEAR_GRADIENT or SWFFILL_RADIAL_GRADIENT. Default is SWFFILL_TILED_BITMAP for SWFBitmap and SWFFILL_LINEAR_GRADIENT for SWFGradient.

The gradient argument is an SWFGradient() object. The flags argument can be one of the following values : SWFFILL_RADIAL_GRADIENT or SWFFILL_LINEAR_GRADIENT. Default is SWFFILL_LINEAR_GRADIENT. I'm sure about this one. Really.

SWFShape::addFill() returns an SWFFill() object for use with the SWFShape::setLeftFill() and SWFShape::setRightFill() functions described below.

This function is EXPERIMENTAL. The behaviour of this function, its name, and surrounding documentation may change without notice in a future release of PHP. This function should be used at your own risk.

SWFShape::addFill() example

This simple example will draw a frame on a bitmap. Ah, here's another buglet in the flash player- it doesn't seem to care about the second shape's bitmap's transformation in a morph. According to spec, the bitmap should stretch along with the shape in this example..


$p = new SWFMorph();

$b = new SWFBitmap(file_get_contents("alphafill.jpg"));
// use your own bitmap
$width = $b->getWidth();
$height = $b->getHeight();

$s = $p->getShape1();
$f = $s->addFill($b, SWFFILL_TILED_BITMAP);
$f->moveTo(-$width/2, -$height/4);
$f->scaleTo(1.0, 0.5);
$s->movePenTo(-$width/2, -$height/4);
$s->drawLine($width, 0);
$s->drawLine(0, $height/2);
$s->drawLine(-$width, 0);
$s->drawLine(0, -$height/2);

$s = $p->getShape2();
$f = $s->addFill($b, SWFFILL_TILED_BITMAP);

// these two have no effect!
$f->moveTo(-$width/4, -$height/2);
$f->scaleTo(0.5, 1.0);

$s->movePenTo(-$width/4, -$height/2);
$s->drawLine($width/2, 0);
$s->drawLine(0, $height);
$s->drawLine(-$width/2, 0);
$s->drawLine(0, -$height);

$m = new SWFMovie();
$m->setDimension($width, $height);
$i = $m->add($p);
$i->moveTo($width/2, $height/2);

for ($n=0; $n<1.001; $n+=0.03) {

header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash');

See also:

SWFShape::setLeftFill() -

SWFShape::setRightFill() -

2016-02-24 16:03:53
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