Searches subject
for all matches to the regular expression given in pattern
and puts them in matches
in the order specified by flags
After the first match is found, the subsequent searches are continued on from end of the last match.
The pattern to search for, as a string.
The input string.
Array of all matches in multi-dimensional array ordered according to flags
Can be a combination of the following flags (note that it doesn't make sense to use PREG_PATTERN_ORDER
together with PREG_SET_ORDER
Normally, the search starts from the beginning of the subject string. The optional parameter offset
can be used to specify the alternate place from which to start the search (in bytes).
is not equivalent to passing substr($subject, $offset) to preg_match_all() in place of the subject string, becausepattern
can contain assertions such as ^, $ or (?<=x). See preg_match() for examples.
Returns the number of full pattern matches (which might be zero), or FALSE
if an error occurred.
The matches
parameter became optional.
Returns FALSE
if offset
is higher than subject
Named subpatterns now accept the syntax (?<name>) and (?'name') as well as (?P<name>). Previous versions accepted only (?P<name>).
Orders results so that $matches[0] is an array of full pattern matches, $matches[1] is an array of strings matched by the first parenthesized subpattern, and so on.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | <?php preg_match_all( "|<[^>]+>(.*)</[^>]+>|U" , "<b>example: </b><div align=left>this is a test</div>" , $out , PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); echo $out [0][0] . ", " . $out [0][1] . "\n" ; echo $out [1][0] . ", " . $out [1][1] . "\n" ; ?> |
<b>example: </b>, <div align=left>this is a test</div> example: , this is a test
So, $out[0] contains array of strings that matched full pattern, and $out[1] contains array of strings enclosed by tags.
Orders results so that $matches[0] is an array of first set of matches, $matches[1] is an array of second set of matches, and so on.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | <?php preg_match_all( "|<[^>]+>(.*)</[^>]+>|U" , "<b>example: </b><div align=\"left\">this is a test</div>" , $out , PREG_SET_ORDER); echo $out [0][0] . ", " . $out [0][1] . "\n" ; echo $out [1][0] . ", " . $out [1][1] . "\n" ; ?> |
<b>example: </b>, example: <div align="left">this is a test</div>, this is a test
1 2 3 4 | <?php preg_match_all( "/\(? (\d{3})? \)? (?(1) [\-\s] ) \d{3}-\d{4}/x" , "Call 555-1212 or 1-800-555-1212" , $phones ); ?> |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | <?php // The \\2 is an example of backreferencing. This tells pcre that // it must match the second set of parentheses in the regular expression // itself, which would be the ([\w]+) in this case. The extra backslash is // required because the string is in double quotes. $html = "<b>bold text</b><a href=howdy.html>click me</a>" ; preg_match_all( "/(<([\w]+)[^>]*>)(.*?)(<\/\\2>)/" , $html , $matches , PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ( $matches as $val ) { echo "matched: " . $val [0] . "\n" ; echo "part 1: " . $val [1] . "\n" ; echo "part 2: " . $val [2] . "\n" ; echo "part 3: " . $val [3] . "\n" ; echo "part 4: " . $val [4] . "\n\n" ; } ?> |
The above example will output:
matched: <b>bold text</b> part 1: <b> part 2: b part 3: bold text part 4: </b> matched: <a href=howdy.html>click me</a> part 1: <a href=howdy.html> part 2: a part 3: click me part 4: </a>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | <?php $str = <<<FOO a: 1 b: 2 c: 3 FOO; preg_match_all( '/(?P<name>\w+): (?P<digit>\d+)/' , $str , $matches ); /* This also works in PHP 5.2.2 (PCRE 7.0) and later, however * the above form is recommended for backwards compatibility */ // preg_match_all('/(?<name>\w+): (?<digit>\d+)/', $str, $matches); print_r( $matches ); ?> |
The above example will output:
Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => a: 1 [1] => b: 2 [2] => c: 3 ) [name] => Array ( [0] => a [1] => b [2] => c ) [1] => Array ( [0] => a [1] => b [2] => c ) [digit] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 ) [2] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 ) )
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