(No version information available, might only be in Git)
This method updates an entry in the hash with a new value
public bool QuickHashStringIntHash::update ( string $key, int $value )
This method updates an entry with a new value, and returns whether the entry was update. If there are duplicate keys, only the first found element will get an updated value. Use QuickHashStringIntHash::CHECK_FOR_DUPES during hash creation to prevent duplicate keys from being part of the hash.
The key of the entry to add.
The new value for the entry. If a non-string is passed, it will be converted to a string automatically if possible.
when the entry was found and updated, and FALSE
if the entry was not part of the hash already.
QuickHashStringIntHash::update() example
<?php $hash = new QuickHashStringIntHash( 1024 ); $hash->add( 'six', 314159265 ); $hash->add( "a lot", 314159265 ); echo $hash->get( 'six' ), "\n"; echo $hash->get( 'a lot' ), "\n"; var_dump( $hash->update( 'a lot', 314159266 ) ); var_dump( $hash->update( "a lot plus one", 314159999 ) ); echo $hash->get( 'six' ), "\n"; echo $hash->get( 'a lot' ), "\n"; ?>
The above example will output something similar to:
314159265 314159265 bool(true) bool(false) 314159265 314159266
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