The cubrid_prepare() function is a sort of API which represents SQL statements compiled previously to a given connection handle. This pre-compiled SQL statement will be included in the cubrid_prepare().
Accordingly, you can use this statement effectively to execute several times repeatedly or to process long data. Only a single statement can be used and a parameter may put a question mark (?) to appropriate area in the SQL statement. Add a parameter when you bind a value in the VALUES clause of INSERT statement or in the WHERE clause. Note that it is allowed to bind a value to a MARK(?) by using the cubrid_bind() function only.
Connection identifier.
Prepare query.
Request identifier, if process is successful;
, if process is unsuccessful.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | <?php $conn = cubrid_connect( "localhost" , 33000, "demodb" ); $sql = <<<EOD SELECT g.event_code, FROM game g JOIN event e ON g.event_code=e.code WHERE host_year = ? AND event_code NOT IN (SELECT event_code FROM game WHERE host_year=?) GROUP BY event_code; EOD; $req = cubrid_prepare( $conn , $sql ); cubrid_bind( $req , 1, 2004); cubrid_bind( $req , 2, 2000); cubrid_execute( $req ); $row_num = cubrid_num_rows( $req ); printf( "There are %d event that exits in 2004 olympic but not in 2000. For example:\n\n" , $row_num ); printf( "%-15s %s\n" , "Event_code" , "Event_name" ); printf( "----------------------------\n" ); $row = cubrid_fetch_assoc( $req ); printf( "%-15d %s\n" , $row [ "event_code" ], $row [ "name" ]); $row = cubrid_fetch_assoc( $req ); printf( "%-15d %s\n" , $row [ "event_code" ], $row [ "name" ]); cubrid_disconnect( $conn ); ?> |
The above example will output:
There are 27 event that exits in 2004 olympic but not in 2000. For example: Event_code Event_name ---------------------------- 20063 +91kg 20070 64kg
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