] )The cubrid_affected_rows() function is used to get the number of rows affected by the SQL statement (INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE).
The CUBRID connection. If the connection identifier is not specified, the last link opend by cubrid_connect() is assumed.
Request Identifier, could be returned from either cubrid_prepare() or cubrid_execute(). If the request identifier is not specified, the last identifier requested by cubrid_prepare() or cubrid_execute() is assumed.
Number of rows affected by the SQL statement, when process is successful.
-1, when SQL statement is not INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE.
, when the request identifier is not specified, and there is no last request.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | <?php $conn = cubrid_connect( 'localhost' , 33000, 'demodb' , 'dba' , '' ); cubrid_execute( $conn , "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cubrid_test" ); cubrid_execute( $conn , "CREATE TABLE cubrid_test (d varchar)" ); $sql_stmt = "INSERT INTO cubrid_test(d) VALUES('php-test')" ; $req = cubrid_prepare( $conn , $sql_stmt ); for ( $i = 0; $i < 10; $i ++) { cubrid_execute( $req ); } cubrid_commit( $conn ); $req = cubrid_execute( $conn , "DELETE FROM cubrid_test WHERE d='php-test'" , CUBRID_ASYNC); var_dump(cubrid_affected_rows()); var_dump(cubrid_affected_rows( $conn )); var_dump(cubrid_affected_rows( $req )); cubrid_disconnect( $conn ); print "done!" ; ?> |
The above example will output:
Rows deleted: 5
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