
(PECL ibm_db2 >= 1.0.0)
Sets the result set pointer to the next row or requested row
bool db2_fetch_row ( resource $stmt [, int $row_number ] )

Use db2_fetch_row() to iterate through a result set, or to point to a specific row in a result set if you requested a scrollable cursor.

To retrieve individual fields from the result set, call the db2_result() function.

Rather than calling db2_fetch_row() and db2_result(), most applications will call one of db2_fetch_assoc(), db2_fetch_both(), or db2_fetch_array() to advance the result set pointer and return a complete row as an array.


A valid stmt resource.


With scrollable cursors, you can request a specific row number in the result set. Row numbering is 1-indexed.


Returns TRUE if the requested row exists in the result set. Returns FALSE if the requested row does not exist in the result set.

Iterating through a result set

The following example demonstrates how to iterate through a result set with db2_fetch_row() and retrieve columns from the result set with db2_result().

$sql = 'SELECT name, breed FROM animals WHERE weight < ?';
$stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $sql);
db2_execute($stmt, array(10));
while (db2_fetch_row($stmt)) {
    $name = db2_result($stmt, 0);
    $breed = db2_result($stmt, 1);
    print "$name $breed";

The above example will output:

cat Pook
gold fish Bubbles
budgerigar Gizmo
goat Rickety Ride
i5/OS recommended alternatives to db2_fetch_row/db2_result

On i5/OS it is recommended that you use db2_fetch_both(), db2_fetch_array(), or db2_fetch_object() over db2_fetch_row()/db2_result(). In general db2_fetch_row()/db2_result() have more issues with various column types in EBCIDIC to ASCII translation, including possible truncation in DBCS applications. You may also find the performance of db2_fetch_both(), db2_fetch_array(), and db2_fetch_object() to be superior to db2_fetch_row()/db2_result().

  $conn = db2_connect("","","");
  $stmt = db2_exec($conn, $sql, array('cursor' => DB2_SCROLLABLE));
  while ($row = db2_fetch_both($stmt)){
    echo "<br>db2_fetch_both {$row['SPECIFIC_NAME']} {$row['ROUTINE_CREATED']} {$row[5]}";
  $stmt = db2_exec($conn, $sql, array('cursor' => DB2_SCROLLABLE));
  while ($row = db2_fetch_array($stmt)){
    echo "<br>db2_fetch_array {$row[1]}  {$row[5]}";
  $stmt = db2_exec($conn, $sql, array('cursor' => DB2_SCROLLABLE));
  while ($row = db2_fetch_object($stmt)){
    echo "<br>db2_fetch_object {$row->SPECIFIC_NAME} {$row->ROUTINE_CREATED}";

The above example will output:

db2_fetch_both MATCH_ANIMAL 2006-08-25- 2006-08-25-
db2_fetch_both MULTIRESULTS 2006-10-17- 2006-10-17-
db2_fetch_array MATCH_ANIMAL 2006-08-25-
db2_fetch_array MULTIRESULTS 2006-10-17-
db2_fetch_object MATCH_ANIMAL 2006-08-25-
db2_fetch_object MULTIRESULTS 2006-10-17-
See also:

db2_fetch_array() -

db2_fetch_assoc() -

db2_fetch_both() -

db2_fetch_object() -

db2_result() -

2016-02-24 16:16:44
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