(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7)
Gets a result set from a prepared statement
mysqli_result mysqli_stmt::get_result ( void )
Object oriented style
Procedural style
Call to return a result set from a prepared statement query.
Procedural style only: A statement identifier returned by mysqli_stmt_init().
Returns a resultset for successful SELECT queries, or FALSE
for other DML queries or on failure. The mysqli_errno() function can be used to distinguish between the two types of failure.
Object oriented style
<?php $mysqli = new mysqli("", "user", "password", "world"); if($mysqli->connect_error) { die("$mysqli->connect_errno: $mysqli->connect_error"); } $query = "SELECT Name, Population, Continent FROM Country WHERE Continent=? ORDER BY Name LIMIT 1"; $stmt = $mysqli->stmt_init(); if(!$stmt->prepare($query)) { print "Failed to prepare statement\n"; } else { $stmt->bind_param("s", $continent); $continent_array = array('Europe','Africa','Asia','North America'); foreach($continent_array as $continent) { $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); while ($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM)) { foreach ($row as $r) { print "$r "; } print "\n"; } } } $stmt->close(); $mysqli->close(); ?>
Procedural style
<?php $link = mysqli_connect("", "user", "password", "world"); if (!$link) { $error = mysqli_connect_error(); $errno = mysqli_connect_errno(); print "$errno: $error\n"; exit(); } $query = "SELECT Name, Population, Continent FROM Country WHERE Continent=? ORDER BY Name LIMIT 1"; $stmt = mysqli_stmt_init($link); if(!mysqli_stmt_prepare($stmt, $query)) { print "Failed to prepare statement\n"; } else { mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "s", $continent); $continent_array = array('Europe','Africa','Asia','North America'); foreach($continent_array as $continent) { mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt); $result = mysqli_stmt_get_result($stmt); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_NUM)) { foreach ($row as $r) { print "$r "; } print "\n"; } } } mysqli_stmt_close($stmt); mysqli_close($link); ?>
The above examples will output:
Albania 3401200 Europe Algeria 31471000 Africa Afghanistan 22720000 Asia Anguilla 8000 North America
See also:
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