(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PHP 7)
Count elements of an object
abstract public int Countable::count ( void )
This method is executed when using the count() function on an object implementing Countable.
The custom count as an integer.
The return value is cast to an integer.
Countable::count() example
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | <?php class myCounter implements Countable { private $count = 0; public function count () { return ++ $this -> count ; } } $counter = new myCounter; for ( $i =0; $i <10; ++ $i ) { echo "I have been count()ed " . count ( $counter ) . " times\n" ; } ?> |
The above example will output something similar to:
I have been count()ed 1 times I have been count()ed 2 times I have been count()ed 3 times I have been count()ed 4 times I have been count()ed 5 times I have been count()ed 6 times I have been count()ed 7 times I have been count()ed 8 times I have been count()ed 9 times I have been count()ed 10 times
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