Name of the file or a readable stream to store.
Other metadata fields to include in the file document.
These fields may also overwrite those that would be created automatically by the driver, as described in the MongoDB core documentation for the » files collection. Some practical use cases for this behavior would be to specify a custom chunkSize or _id for the file.
An array of options for the insert operations executed against the chunks and files collections. See MongoCollection::insert() for documentation on these these options.
Returns the _id of the saved file document. This will be a generated MongoId unless an _id was explicitly specified in the metadata
Throws MongoGridFSException if there is an error reading filename
or inserting into the chunks or files collections.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | <?php $m = new MongoClient(); $gridfs = $m ->selectDB( 'test' )->getGridFS(); $id = $gridfs ->storeFile( 'example.txt' , array ( 'contentType' => 'plain/text' )); $gridfsFile = $gridfs ->get( $id ); var_dump( $gridfsFile ->file); ?> |
The above example will output something similar to:
array(7) { ["_id"]=> object(MongoId)#6 (0) { } ["contentType"]=> string(10) "plain/text" ["filename"]=> string(11) "example.txt" ["uploadDate"]=> object(MongoDate)#7 (0) { } ["length"]=> int(26) ["chunkSize"]=> int(262144) ["md5"]=> string(32) "c3fcd3d76192e4007dfb496cca67e13b" }
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