Data Attributes

Data Attributes

Data attribute reference

The jQuery Mobile framework uses HTML5 data- attributes to allow for markup-based initialization and configuration of widgets. These attributes are completely optional; calling plugins manually and passing options directly is also supported. To avoid naming conflicts with other plugins or frameworks that also use data- attributes, set a custom namespace by modifying the ns global option.


Links with data-role="button". Input-based buttons, links in toolbars and button elements are auto-enhanced, no data-role required.

data-corners true | false
data-icon home | delete | plus | arrow-u | arrow-d | carat-l | carat-t | carat-r | carat-b | check | gear | grid | star | custom | arrow-r | arrow-l | minus | refresh | forward | back | alert | info | search
data-iconpos left | right | top | bottom | notext
data-iconshadow true | false Deprecated as of 1.4.0 and will be removed in 1.5.0.
data-inline true | false
data-mini true | false - Compact sized version
data-shadow true | false
data-theme swatch letter (a-z)


Pairs of labels and inputs with type="checkbox" are auto-enhanced, no data-role required

data-mini true | false - Compact sized version
data-role none - Prevents auto-enhancement to use native control
data-theme swatch letter (a-z) - Added to the form element


A heading and content wrapped in a container with the data-role="collapsible"

data-collapsed true | false
data-collapse-cue-text string - Text used to provide audible feedback for users with screen reader software. Default: " click to collapse contents"
data-collapsed-icon home | delete | plus | arrow-u | arrow-d | carat-l | carat-t | carat-r | carat-b | check | gear | grid | star | custom | arrow-r | arrow-l | minus | refresh | forward | back | alert | info | search | false
data-content-theme swatch letter (a-z)
data-expand-cue-text string - Text used to provide audible feedback for users with screen reader software. Default: " click to expand contents"
data-expanded-icon home | delete | plus | arrow-u | arrow-d | carat-l | carat-t | carat-r | carat-b| check | gear | grid | star | custom | arrow-r | arrow-l | minus | refresh | forward | back | alert | info | search
data-iconpos left | right | top | bottom
data-inset true | false
data-mini true | false - Compact sized version
data-theme swatch letter (a-z)

Collapsible set

A number of collapsibles wrapped in a container with the data-role="collapsibleset"

data-collapsed-icon home | delete | plus | arrow-u | arrow-d | carat-l | carat-t | carat-r | carat-b| check | gear | grid | star | custom | arrow-r | arrow-l | minus | refresh | forward | back | alert | info | search
data-content-theme swatch letter (a-z) - Sets all collapsibles in set
data-expanded-icon home | delete | plus | arrow-u | arrow-d | carat-l | carat-t | carat-r | carat-b| check | gear | grid | star | custom | arrow-r | arrow-l | minus | refresh | forward | back | alert | info | search
data-iconpos left | right | top | bottom | notext
data-inset true | false
data-mini true | false - Compact sized version
data-theme swatch letter (a-z) - Sets all collapsibles in set


Note: Deprecated as of 1.4.0 and will be removed in 1.5.0.

Container with data-role="content"

data-theme swatch letter (a-z)


DIV or FIELDSET container with data-role="controlgroup". Visually integrate multiple button-styled elements.

data-exclude-invisible true | false - Sets whether to exclude invisible children in the assignment of rounded corners
data-mini true | false - Compact sized version for all items in the controlgroup
data-theme swatch letter (a-z)
data-type horizontal | vertical - For horizontal or vertical item alignment


Container with data-role="dialog" or linked to with data-rel="dialog" on the anchor.

data-close-btn left | right | none
data-close-btn-text string - Text for the close button, dialog only. Default: "close"
data-corners true | false
data-dom-cache true | false
data-overlay-theme swatch letter (a-z) - Overlay theme when the page is opened in a dialog
data-theme swatch letter (a-z)
data-title string - Title used when page is shown


Container with data-enhance="false" or data-ajax="false"

data-enhance true | false
data-ajax true | false

Any DOM elements inside a data-enhance="false" container, save for data-role="page|dialog" elements, will be ignored during initial enhancement and subsequent create events provided that the $.mobile.ignoreContentEnabled flag is set prior to the enhancement (eg in a mobileinit binding).

Any link or form element inside data-ajax="false" containers will be ignored by the framework's navigation functionality when $.mobile.ignoreContentEnabled is set to true.

Field container

Container with data-role="fieldcontain" wrapped around label/form element pair

Note: data-role="fieldcontain" is deprecated as of jQuery Mobile 1.4.0 and will be removed in 1.5.0. Add class ui-field-contain instead.

Flip toggle switch

Select with data-role="slider" and two option element

data-mini true | false - Compact sized version
data-role none - Prevents auto-enhancement to use native control
data-theme swatch letter (a-z) - Added to the form element
data-track-theme swatch letter (a-z) - Added to the form element


Links, including those with a data-role="button", and form submit buttons share these attributes

data-ajax true | false
data-direction reverse - Reverse transition animation (only for page or dialog)
data-dom-cache true | false
data-prefetch true | false
data-rel back - To move one step back in history
dialog - To open link styled as dialog, not tracked in history
external - For linking to another domain
popup - For opening a popup
data-transition fade | flip | flow | pop | slide | slidedown | slidefade | slideup | turn | none
data-position-to origin - Centers the popup over the link that opens it
jQuery selector - Centers the popup over the specified element
window - Centers the popup in the window
Note: option only available when used with popups. See also: options.


OL or UL with data-role="listview"

data-autodividers true | false
data-count-theme swatch letter (a-z) - Default "null", inherited from parent Deprecated as of 1.4.0 and will be removed in 1.5.0.
data-divider-theme swatch letter (a-z) - Default "null", inherited from parent
data-filter true | false
data-filter-placeholder string
data-filter-theme swatch letter (a-z)
data-header-theme swatch letter (a-z)
data-icon home | delete | plus | arrow-u | arrow-d | carat-l | carat-t | carat-r | carat-b| check | gear | grid | star | custom | arrow-r | arrow-l | minus | refresh | forward | back | alert | info | search | false
data-inset true | false
data-split-icon home | delete | plus | arrow-u | arrow-d | carat-l | carat-t | carat-r | carat-b| check | gear | grid | star | custom | arrow-r | arrow-l | minus | refresh | forward | back | alert | info | search
data-split-theme swatch letter (a-z) - Default "null", inherited from parent
data-theme swatch letter (a-z)

Listview item

LI within a listview

data-filtertext string - Filter by this value instead of inner text
data-icon home | delete | plus | arrow-u | arrow-d | carat-l | carat-t | carat-r | carat-b| check | gear | grid | star | custom | arrow-r | arrow-l | minus | refresh | forward | back | alert | info | search | false
data-role list-divider
data-theme swatch letter (a-z)

The data-icon attribute is only applicable for a listview item if it contains a link.


A number of LIs wrapped in a container with data-role="navbar"

data-iconpos left | right | top | bottom | notext

To add icons to the navbar items, the data-icon attribute is used, specifying a standard mobile icon for each item.

Navbars inherit the theme-swatch from their parent container. Setting the data-theme attribute to a navbar is not supported. The data-theme attribute can be set individually to the links inside a navbar.


Container with data-role="page"

data-dom-cache true | false
data-overlay-theme swatch letter (a-z) - Overlay theme when the page is opened as a dialog
data-theme swatch letter (a-z) - Default "a"
data-title string - Title used when page is shown
data-url url - Value for updating the URL, instead of the url used to request the page. The value of this attribute should not be URI-encoded. If your path or filename contains apostrophes or quotation marks, use entity encoding in the value, rather than URL encoding. For example, data-url="/path/to/"Devil's Advocate".html"


Container with data-role="popup"

data-corners true | false
data-dismissible true | false - If set to false prevents popup closing by clicking outside of the popup or pressing the Escape key
data-history true | false - Sets whether the popup creates a browser history item when it opens. If set to false, it will not create a history item, and will thus not be closeable via the browser's "Back" button.
data-overlay-theme swatch letter (a-z) - Default "null" (transparent background)
data-position-to origin | window | selector - "origin" indicates that the popup is to be centered over the link that opens it. "window" indicates that it is to be centered in the browser window. If you give a jQuery selector, it will be centered over the first element returned by the selector, if that element is visible. Otherwise, it will be centered in the browser window.
data-shadow true | false
data-theme swatch letter (a-z) | none - Default inherited, "none" sets the popup to transparent
data-tolerance 30,15,30,15 - Distance from the edges of the window (top, right, bottom, left)
data-transition none | transition - The transition to use when making the popup appear/disappear.

Anchor with a data-rel="popup" opens the popup

data-position-to origin - Centers the popup over the link that opens it
jQuery selector - Centers the popup over the specified element
window - Centers the popup in the window
data-rel popup - For opening a popup
data-transition fade | flip | flow | pop | slide | slidedown | slidefade | slideup | turn | none - The transition to be used when showing/hiding the popup

Radio button

Pairs of labels and inputs with type="radio" are auto-enhanced, no data-role required

data-mini true | false - Compact sized version
data-role none - Prevents auto-enhancement to use native control
data-theme swatch letter (a-z) - Added to the form element


All select form elements are auto-enhanced, no data-role required

data-divider-theme swatch letter (a-z) - Default "b" - Only applicable if optgroup support is used in non-native selects
data-icon home | delete | plus | arrow-u | arrow-d | carat-l | carat-t | carat-r | carat-b | check | gear | grid | star | custom | arrow-r | arrow-l | minus | refresh | forward | back | alert | info | search | false
data-iconpos left | right | top | bottom | notext
data-inline true | false
data-mini true | false - Compact sized version
data-native-menu true | false
data-overlay-theme swatch letter (a-z) - Overlay theme for non-native selects
data-placeholder true | false - Can be set on option element of a non-native select
data-role none - Prevents auto-enhancement to use native control
data-theme swatch letter (a-z) - Added to the form element


Inputs with type="range" are auto-enhanced, no data-role required

data-highlight true | false - Adds an active state fill on track to handle
data-mini true | false - Compact sized version
data-role none - Prevents auto-enhancement to use native control
data-theme swatch letter (a-z) - Added to the form element
data-track-theme swatch letter (a-z) - Added to the form element


Input type="text|number|search|etc." or textarea elements are auto-enhanced, no data-role required

data-clear-btn true | false - Adds a clear button
data-clear-btn-text string - Text for the close button. Default: "clear text"
data-mini true | false - Compact sized version
data-role none - Prevents auto-enhancement to use native control
data-theme swatch letter (a-z) - Added to the form element


Container with data-role="header" or data-role="footer"

data-add-back-btn true | false - Auto add back button, header only
data-back-btn-text string - Header only
data-back-btn-theme swatch letter (a-z) - Header only
data-id string - Unique ID. Required for persistent footers
data-position fixed
data-theme swatch letter (a-z)

Fixed toolbar

Container with data-role="header" or data-role="footer" plus the attribute data-position="fixed"

data-disable-page-zoom true | false - User-scaling-ability for pages with fixed toolbars
data-fullscreen true | false - Setting toolbars over the page-content
data-tap-toggle true | false - Ability to toggle toolbar-visibility on user tap/click
data-transition slide | fade | none - Transition used when showing/hiding the toolbar
data-update-page-padding true | false - Have the page top and bottom padding updated on resize, transition, "updatelayout" events (the framework always updates the padding on the "pageshow" event).
data-visible-on-page-show true | false - Toolbar-visibility when parent page is shown
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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