
onobject.on(event, callback, [context])Alias: bind
Bind a callback function to an object. The callback will be invoked whenever the event is fired. If you have a large number of different events on a page, the convention is to use colons to namespace them: "poll:start", or "change:selection". The event string may also be a space-delimited list of several events...

book.on("change:title change:author", ...);

Callbacks bound to the special "all" event will be triggered when any event occurs, and are passed the name of the event as the first argument. For example, to proxy all events from one object to another:

proxy.on("all", function(eventName) {

All Backbone event methods also support an event map syntax, as an alternative to positional arguments:

  "change:author": authorPane.update,
  "change:title change:subtitle": titleView.update,
  "destroy": bookView.remove

To supply a context value for this when the callback is invoked, pass the optional last argument: model.on('change', this.render, this) or model.on({change: this.render}, this).

2016-04-17 12:21:02
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