

Only valid for request obtained from http.Server.

Request URL string. This contains only the URL that is present in the actual HTTP request. If the request is:

GET /status?name=ryan HTTP/1.1\r\n
Accept: text/plain\r\n

Then request.url will be:


If you would like to parse the URL into its parts, you can use require('url').parse(request.url). Example:

$ node
> require('url').parse('/status?name=ryan')
  href: '/status?name=ryan',
  search: '?name=ryan',
  query: 'name=ryan',
  pathname: '/status'

If you would like to extract the params from the query string, you can use the require('querystring').parse function, or pass true as the second argument to require('url').parse. Example:

$ node
> require('url').parse('/status?name=ryan', true)
  href: '/status?name=ryan',
  search: '?name=ryan',
  query: {name: 'ryan'},
  pathname: '/status'
2016-04-30 04:40:24
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