


Set global accounts options.


sendVerificationEmail Boolean

New users with an email address will receive an address verification email.

forbidClientAccountCreation Boolean

Calls to createUser from the client will be rejected. In addition, if you are using accounts-ui, the "Create account" link will not be available.

restrictCreationByEmailDomain String or Function

If set to a string, only allows new users if the domain part of their email address matches the string. If set to a function, only allows new users if the function returns true. The function is passed the full email address of the proposed new user. Works with password-based sign-in and external services that expose email addresses (Google, Facebook, GitHub). All existing users still can log in after enabling this option. Example: Accounts.config({ restrictCreationByEmailDomain: '' }).

loginExpirationInDays Number

The number of days from when a user logs in until their token expires and they are logged out. Defaults to 90. Set to null to disable login expiration.

oauthSecretKey String

When using the oauth-encryption package, the 16 byte key using to encrypt sensitive account credentials in the database, encoded in base64. This option may only be specifed on the server. See packages/oauth-encryption/ for details.

2016-05-29 17:17:44
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