
style style

backfaceVisibility enum('visible', 'hidden')
backgroundColor color
borderBottomLeftRadius number
borderBottomRightRadius number
borderColor color
borderRadius number
borderTopLeftRadius number
borderTopRightRadius number
borderWidth number
opacity number
overflow enum('visible', 'hidden')
resizeMode Object.keys(ImageResizeMode)
tintColor color

Changes the color of all the non-transparent pixels to the tintColor.

androidoverlayColor string

When the image has rounded corners, specifying an overlayColor will cause the remaining space in the corners to be filled with a solid color. This is useful in cases which are not supported by the Android implementation of rounded corners: - Certain resize modes, such as 'contain' - Animated GIFs

A typical way to use this prop is with images displayed on a solid background and setting the overlayColor to the same color as the background.

For details of how this works under the hood, see

2016-06-23 04:24:09
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