
Stable Class

What it does

This is the base class for FormControl, FormGroup, and FormArray.

It provides some of the shared behavior that all controls and groups of controls have, like running validators, calculating status, and resetting state. It also defines the properties that are shared between all sub-classes, like value, valid, and dirty. It shouldn't be instantiated directly.

Class Overview

class AbstractControl {
  constructor(validator: ValidatorFn, asyncValidator: AsyncValidatorFn)
  validator : ValidatorFn
  asyncValidator : AsyncValidatorFn
  value : any
  status : string
  valid : boolean
  invalid : boolean
  pending : boolean
  disabled : boolean
  enabled : boolean
  errors : {[key: string]: any}
  pristine : boolean
  dirty : boolean
  touched : boolean
  untouched : boolean
  valueChanges : Observable<any>
  statusChanges : Observable<any>
  setValidators(newValidator: ValidatorFn|ValidatorFn[]) : void
  setAsyncValidators(newValidator: AsyncValidatorFn|AsyncValidatorFn[]) : void
  clearValidators() : void
  clearAsyncValidators() : void
  markAsTouched({onlySelf}?: {onlySelf?: boolean}) : void
  markAsUntouched({onlySelf}?: {onlySelf?: boolean}) : void
  markAsDirty({onlySelf}?: {onlySelf?: boolean}) : void
  markAsPristine({onlySelf}?: {onlySelf?: boolean}) : void
  markAsPending({onlySelf}?: {onlySelf?: boolean}) : void
  disable({onlySelf, emitEvent}?: {onlySelf?: boolean, emitEvent?: boolean}) : void
  enable({onlySelf, emitEvent}?: {onlySelf?: boolean, emitEvent?: boolean}) : void
  setParent(parent: FormGroup|FormArray) : void
  setValue(value: any, options?: Object) : void
  patchValue(value: any, options?: Object) : void
  reset(value?: any, options?: Object) : void
  updateValueAndValidity({onlySelf, emitEvent}?: {onlySelf?: boolean, emitEvent?: boolean}) : void
  setErrors(errors: {[key: string]: any}, {emitEvent}?: {emitEvent?: boolean}) : void
  get(path: Array<string|number>|string) : AbstractControl
  getError(errorCode: string, path?: string[]) : any
  hasError(errorCode: string, path?: string[]) : boolean
  root : AbstractControl

Class Description


constructor(validator: ValidatorFn, asyncValidator: AsyncValidatorFn)

Class Details

validator : ValidatorFn
asyncValidator : AsyncValidatorFn
value : any

The value of the control.

status : string

The validation status of the control. There are four possible validation statuses:

  • VALID: control has passed all validation checks
  • INVALID: control has failed at least one validation check
  • PENDING: control is in the midst of conducting a validation check
  • DISABLED: control is exempt from validation checks

These statuses are mutually exclusive, so a control cannot be both valid AND invalid or invalid AND disabled.

valid : boolean

A control is valid when its status === VALID.

In order to have this status, the control must have passed all its validation checks.

invalid : boolean

A control is invalid when its status === INVALID.

In order to have this status, the control must have failed at least one of its validation checks.

pending : boolean

A control is pending when its status === PENDING.

In order to have this status, the control must be in the middle of conducting a validation check.

disabled : boolean

A control is disabled when its status === DISABLED.

Disabled controls are exempt from validation checks and are not included in the aggregate value of their ancestor controls.

enabled : boolean

A control is enabled as long as its status !== DISABLED.

In other words, it has a status of VALID, INVALID, or PENDING.

errors : {[key: string]: any}

Returns any errors generated by failing validation. If there are no errors, it will return null.

pristine : boolean

A control is pristine if the user has not yet changed the value in the UI.

Note that programmatic changes to a control's value will not mark it dirty.

dirty : boolean

A control is dirty if the user has changed the value in the UI.

Note that programmatic changes to a control's value will not mark it dirty.

touched : boolean

A control is marked touched once the user has triggered a blur event on it.

untouched : boolean

A control is untouched if the user has not yet triggered a blur event on it.

valueChanges : Observable<any>

Emits an event every time the value of the control changes, in the UI or programmatically.

statusChanges : Observable<any>

Emits an event every time the validation status of the control is re-calculated.

setValidators(newValidator: ValidatorFn|ValidatorFn[]) : void

Sets the synchronous validators that are active on this control. Calling this will overwrite any existing sync validators.

setAsyncValidators(newValidator: AsyncValidatorFn|AsyncValidatorFn[]) : void

Sets the async validators that are active on this control. Calling this will overwrite any existing async validators.

clearValidators() : void

Empties out the sync validator list.

clearAsyncValidators() : void

Empties out the async validator list.

markAsTouched({onlySelf}?: {onlySelf?: boolean}) : void

Marks the control as touched.

This will also mark all direct ancestors as touched to maintain the model.

markAsUntouched({onlySelf}?: {onlySelf?: boolean}) : void

Marks the control as untouched.

If the control has any children, it will also mark all children as untouched to maintain the model, and re-calculate the touched status of all parent controls.

markAsDirty({onlySelf}?: {onlySelf?: boolean}) : void

Marks the control as dirty.

This will also mark all direct ancestors as dirty to maintain the model.

markAsPristine({onlySelf}?: {onlySelf?: boolean}) : void

Marks the control as pristine.

If the control has any children, it will also mark all children as pristine to maintain the model, and re-calculate the pristine status of all parent controls.

markAsPending({onlySelf}?: {onlySelf?: boolean}) : void

Marks the control as pending.

disable({onlySelf, emitEvent}?: {onlySelf?: boolean, emitEvent?: boolean}) : void

Disables the control. This means the control will be exempt from validation checks and excluded from the aggregate value of any parent. Its status is DISABLED.

If the control has children, all children will be disabled to maintain the model.

enable({onlySelf, emitEvent}?: {onlySelf?: boolean, emitEvent?: boolean}) : void

Enables the control. This means the control will be included in validation checks and the aggregate value of its parent. Its status is re-calculated based on its value and its validators.

If the control has children, all children will be enabled.

setParent(parent: FormGroup|FormArray) : void
setValue(value: any, options?: Object) : void

Sets the value of the control. Abstract method (implemented in sub-classes).

patchValue(value: any, options?: Object) : void

Patches the value of the control. Abstract method (implemented in sub-classes).

reset(value?: any, options?: Object) : void

Resets the control. Abstract method (implemented in sub-classes).

updateValueAndValidity({onlySelf, emitEvent}?: {onlySelf?: boolean, emitEvent?: boolean}) : void

Re-calculates the value and validation status of the control.

By default, it will also update the value and validity of its ancestors.

setErrors(errors: {[key: string]: any}, {emitEvent}?: {emitEvent?: boolean}) : void

Sets errors on a form control.

This is used when validations are run manually by the user, rather than automatically.

Calling setErrors will also update the validity of the parent control.

const login = new FormControl("someLogin");
  "notUnique": true

expect(login.errors).toEqual({"notUnique": true});


get(path: Array<string|number>|string) : AbstractControl

Retrieves a child control given the control's name or path.

Paths can be passed in as an array or a string delimited by a dot.

To get a control nested within a person sub-group:

  • this.form.get('person.name');


  • this.form.get(['person', 'name']);
getError(errorCode: string, path?: string[]) : any

Returns true if the control with the given path has the error specified. Otherwise returns null or undefined.

If no path is given, it checks for the error on the present control.

hasError(errorCode: string, path?: string[]) : boolean

Returns true if the control with the given path has the error specified. Otherwise returns false.

If no path is given, it checks for the error on the present control.

root : AbstractControl

Retrieves the top-level ancestor of this control.

exported from @angular/forms/index, defined in @angular/forms/src/model.ts

2016-10-06 09:46:08
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