RC4 to RC5 Migration

Angular Modules (NgModules) have landed in Angular RC5!

Angular Modules, also known as NgModules, are the powerful new way to organize and bootstrap your Angular application.

Read more in the "RC5 and NgModules" announcement.

Learn the details of NgModule in the Angular Module chapter.

The new @NgModule decorator gives you module-level components, directives, and pipes without the need to specify them repeatedly in every component of your application.

The @NgModule metadata give the Angular compiler the context needed so that you can use the same code regardless of whether you are running Angular in Ahead-of-time or Just in Time mode.

How do I use them?

If you were previously writing an Angular application, your app should continue to work in RC5. We’ve worked hard to ensure that applications that worked with RC4 continue to work while you migrate. For this to work, we’re doing 2 things automatically for you:

  • We create an implicit NgModule for you as part of the bootstrap() command
  • We automatically hoist your components, pipes, and directives

While your application will continue to work today, it’s important that you update your application to ensure future updates and deprecations don’t negatively affect you. To make it easier, you can think of the process as having 5 steps.

  1. Update to RC5 - Your application should continue to work without modification, but it’s important that you are running the latest version of Angular.

  2. Create an NgModule - Create the root NgModule that you’ll use to bootstrap your application.

  3. Update your bootstrap - Bootstrap that module instead of your root component

  4. Update your 3rd party libraries - Take advantage of the latest from Forms, Material, Http, and more

  5. Cleanup - Clean up your code. The deprecated classes, methods and properties will be removed from Angular very soon.

Prefer to look at code and diffs? Check out the upgrade in one commit.

1. Update to RC5

If you use npm, you should be able to either update your package.json file and run npm install. Or alternatively you can run the following command:

npm install @angular/{core,common,compiler,platform-browser,platform-browser-dynamic} --save

Update your optional libraries

npm install @angular/router
npm install @angular/forms
npm install @angular2-material/{core,button,card,...}@latest

Update the Angular CLI if you're using that tool

npm install angular-cli @angular/tsc-wrapped --save-dev

2. Create an NgModule

Create a new file called app.module.ts. Populate it with your root component as follows:

import { NgModule }       from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule  } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AppComponent }   from './app.component';

    declarations: [AppComponent],
    imports:      [BrowserModule],
    bootstrap:    [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}

3. Update your bootstrap

Update your main.ts file to bootstrap using the "Just-in-time" (JiT) compiler.

import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
import { AppModule }              from './app/app.module';


4. Import library modules in your NgModule

Remove the Angular and 3rd party library providers from your AppComponent providers and switch to NgModule imports as seen in this example.

imports: [
    // Router
    // Forms
    // Material Design

5. Cleanup

For RC5, you can leave your components, directives and pipes in the directives and pipes properties of your @Component metadata. In fact, we automatically hoist (add) them to the NgModule to which they belong.

This option is temporary for backward compatibility. It will be removed in the final release of Angular 2.0.

Get ahead of the game and start moving your component directives and pipes into module declarations as soon as possible. We intend to delete all deprecated class, methods, and properties in the next RC.

2016-10-06 09:46:53
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