
email.contentmanager.set_content(msg, , subtype="plain", charset='utf-8' cte=None, disposition=None, filename=None, cid=None, params=None, headers=None) email.contentmanager.set_content(msg, , maintype, subtype, cte="base64", disposition=None, filename=None, cid=None, params=None, headers=None)

email.contentmanager.set_content(msg, , cte=None, disposition=None, filename=None, cid=None, params=None, headers=None)

email.contentmanager.set_content(msg, , subtype='mixed', disposition=None, filename=None, cid=None, params=None, headers=None)

Add headers and payload to msg:

Add a Content-Type header with a maintype/subtype value.

  • For str, set the MIME maintype to text, and set the subtype to subtype if it is specified, or plain if it is not.
  • For bytes, use the specified maintype and subtype, or raise a TypeError if they are not specified.
  • For Message objects, set the maintype to message, and set the subtype to subtype if it is specified or rfc822 if it is not. If subtype is partial, raise an error (bytes objects must be used to construct message/partial parts).
  • For <’list’>, which should be a list of Message objects, set the maintype to multipart, and the subtype to subtype if it is specified, and mixed if it is not. If the message parts in the <’list’> have MIME-Version headers, remove them.

If charset is provided (which is valid only for str), encode the string to bytes using the specified character set. The default is utf-8. If the specified charset is a known alias for a standard MIME charset name, use the standard charset instead.

If cte is set, encode the payload using the specified content transfer encoding, and set the Content-Transfer-Endcoding header to that value. For str objects, if it is not set use heuristics to determine the most compact encoding. Possible values for cte are quoted-printable, base64, 7bit, 8bit, and binary. If the input cannot be encoded in the specified encoding (eg: 7bit), raise a ValueError. For Message, per RFC 2046, raise an error if a cte of quoted-printable or base64 is requested for subtype rfc822, and for any cte other than 7bit for subtype external-body. For message/rfc822, use 8bit if cte is not specified. For all other values of subtype, use 7bit.


A cte of binary does not actually work correctly yet. The Message object as modified by set_content is correct, but BytesGenerator does not serialize it correctly.

If disposition is set, use it as the value of the Content-Disposition header. If not specified, and filename is specified, add the header with the value attachment. If it is not specified and filename is also not specified, do not add the header. The only valid values for disposition are attachment and inline.

If filename is specified, use it as the value of the filename parameter of the Content-Disposition header. There is no default.

If cid is specified, add a Content-ID header with cid as its value.

If params is specified, iterate its items method and use the resulting (key, value) pairs to set additional parameters on the Content-Type header.

If headers is specified and is a list of strings of the form headername: headervalue or a list of header objects (distinguised from strings by having a name attribute), add the headers to msg.

2016-10-07 17:32:22
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