

This method installs self.gettext() into the built-in namespace, binding it to _.

If the names parameter is given, it must be a sequence containing the names of functions you want to install in the builtins namespace in addition to _(). Supported names are 'gettext' (bound to self.gettext()), 'ngettext' (bound to self.ngettext()), 'lgettext' and 'lngettext'.

Note that this is only one way, albeit the most convenient way, to make the _() function available to your application. Because it affects the entire application globally, and specifically the built-in namespace, localized modules should never install _(). Instead, they should use this code to make _() available to their module:

import gettext
t = gettext.translation('mymodule', ...)
_ = t.gettext

This puts _() only in the module’s global namespace and so only affects calls within this module.

2016-10-07 17:33:36
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