
inspect.signature(callable, *, follow_wrapped=True)

Return a Signature object for the given callable:

>>> from inspect import signature
>>> def foo(a, *, b:int, **kwargs):
...     pass

>>> sig = signature(foo)

>>> str(sig)
'(a, *, b:int, **kwargs)'

>>> str(sig.parameters['b'])

>>> sig.parameters['b'].annotation
<class 'int'>

Accepts a wide range of python callables, from plain functions and classes to functools.partial() objects.

Raises ValueError if no signature can be provided, and TypeError if that type of object is not supported.

New in version 3.5: follow_wrapped parameter. Pass False to get a signature of callable specifically (callable.__wrapped__ will not be used to unwrap decorated callables.)


Some callables may not be introspectable in certain implementations of Python. For example, in CPython, some built-in functions defined in C provide no metadata about their arguments.

2016-10-07 17:35:07
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