
class io.RawIOBase

Base class for raw binary I/O. It inherits IOBase. There is no public constructor.

Raw binary I/O typically provides low-level access to an underlying OS device or API, and does not try to encapsulate it in high-level primitives (this is left to Buffered I/O and Text I/O, described later in this page).

In addition to the attributes and methods from IOBase, RawIOBase provides the following methods:


Read up to size bytes from the object and return them. As a convenience, if size is unspecified or -1, readall() is called. Otherwise, only one system call is ever made. Fewer than size bytes may be returned if the operating system call returns fewer than size bytes.

If 0 bytes are returned, and size was not 0, this indicates end of file. If the object is in non-blocking mode and no bytes are available, None is returned.


Read and return all the bytes from the stream until EOF, using multiple calls to the stream if necessary.


Read bytes into a pre-allocated, writable bytes-like object b, and return the number of bytes read. If the object is in non-blocking mode and no bytes are available, None is returned.


Write the given bytes-like object, b, to the underlying raw stream, and return the number of bytes written. This can be less than the length of b in bytes, depending on specifics of the underlying raw stream, and especially if it is in non-blocking mode. None is returned if the raw stream is set not to block and no single byte could be readily written to it. The caller may release or mutate b after this method returns, so the implementation should only access b during the method call.

2016-10-07 17:35:21
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