
class wsgiref.simple_server.WSGIRequestHandler(request, client_address, server)

Create an HTTP handler for the given request (i.e. a socket), client_address (a (host,port) tuple), and server (WSGIServer instance).

You do not need to create instances of this class directly; they are automatically created as needed by WSGIServer objects. You can, however, subclass this class and supply it as a handler_class to the make_server() function. Some possibly relevant methods for overriding in subclasses:


Returns a dictionary containing the WSGI environment for a request. The default implementation copies the contents of the WSGIServer object’s base_environ dictionary attribute and then adds various headers derived from the HTTP request. Each call to this method should return a new dictionary containing all of the relevant CGI environment variables as specified in PEP 3333.


Return the object that should be used as the wsgi.errors stream. The default implementation just returns sys.stderr.


Process the HTTP request. The default implementation creates a handler instance using a wsgiref.handlers class to implement the actual WSGI application interface.

2016-10-07 17:47:32
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