
class When(condition=None, then=None, **lookups) [source]

A When() object is used to encapsulate a condition and its result for use in the conditional expression. Using a When() object is similar to using the filter() method. The condition can be specified using field lookups or Q objects. The result is provided using the then keyword.

Some examples:

>>> from django.db.models import When, F, Q
>>> # String arguments refer to fields; the following two examples are equivalent:
>>> When(account_type=Client.GOLD, then='name')
>>> When(account_type=Client.GOLD, then=F('name'))
>>> # You can use field lookups in the condition
>>> from datetime import date
>>> When(registered_on__gt=date(2014, 1, 1),
...      registered_on__lt=date(2015, 1, 1),
...      then='account_type')
>>> # Complex conditions can be created using Q objects
>>> When(Q(name__startswith="John") | Q(name__startswith="Paul"),
...      then='name')

Keep in mind that each of these values can be an expression.


Since the then keyword argument is reserved for the result of the When(), there is a potential conflict if a Model has a field named then. This can be resolved in two ways:

>>> When(then__exact=0, then=1)
>>> When(Q(then=0), then=1)
2016-10-09 18:35:20
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