
Model.full_clean(exclude=None, validate_unique=True) [source]

This method calls Model.clean_fields(), Model.clean(), and Model.validate_unique() (if validate_unique is True), in that order and raises a ValidationError that has a message_dict attribute containing errors from all three stages.

The optional exclude argument can be used to provide a list of field names that can be excluded from validation and cleaning. ModelForm uses this argument to exclude fields that aren’t present on your form from being validated since any errors raised could not be corrected by the user.

Note that full_clean() will not be called automatically when you call your model’s save() method. You’ll need to call it manually when you want to run one-step model validation for your own manually created models. For example:

from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
except ValidationError as e:
    # Do something based on the errors contained in e.message_dict.
    # Display them to a user, or handle them programmatically.

The first step full_clean() performs is to clean each individual field.

2016-10-09 18:35:53
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