
class Value(value, output_field=None) [source]

A Value() object represents the smallest possible component of an expression: a simple value. When you need to represent the value of an integer, boolean, or string within an expression, you can wrap that value within a Value().

You will rarely need to use Value() directly. When you write the expression F('field') + 1, Django implicitly wraps the 1 in a Value(), allowing simple values to be used in more complex expressions. You will need to use Value() when you want to pass a string to an expression. Most expressions interpret a string argument as the name of a field, like Lower('name').

The value argument describes the value to be included in the expression, such as 1, True, or None. Django knows how to convert these Python values into their corresponding database type.

The output_field argument should be a model field instance, like IntegerField() or BooleanField(), into which Django will load the value after it’s retrieved from the database. Usually no arguments are needed when instantiating the model field as any arguments relating to data validation (max_length, max_digits, etc.) will not be enforced on the expression’s output value.

2016-10-09 18:36:26
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