
class ArrayField(base_field, size=None, **options) [source]

A field for storing lists of data. Most field types can be used, you simply pass another field instance as the base_field. You may also specify a size. ArrayField can be nested to store multi-dimensional arrays.

If you give the field a default, ensure it’s a callable such as list (for an empty default) or a callable that returns a list (such as a function). Incorrectly using default=[] creates a mutable default that is shared between all instances of ArrayField.


This is a required argument.

Specifies the underlying data type and behavior for the array. It should be an instance of a subclass of Field. For example, it could be an IntegerField or a CharField. Most field types are permitted, with the exception of those handling relational data (ForeignKey, OneToOneField and ManyToManyField).

It is possible to nest array fields - you can specify an instance of ArrayField as the base_field. For example:

from django.db import models
from django.contrib.postgres.fields import ArrayField

class ChessBoard(models.Model):
    board = ArrayField(
            models.CharField(max_length=10, blank=True),

Transformation of values between the database and the model, validation of data and configuration, and serialization are all delegated to the underlying base field.


This is an optional argument.

If passed, the array will have a maximum size as specified. This will be passed to the database, although PostgreSQL at present does not enforce the restriction.


When nesting ArrayField, whether you use the size parameter or not, PostgreSQL requires that the arrays are rectangular:

from django.contrib.postgres.fields import ArrayField
from django.db import models

class Board(models.Model):
    pieces = ArrayField(ArrayField(models.IntegerField()))

# Valid
    [2, 3],
    [2, 1],

# Not valid
    [2, 3],

If irregular shapes are required, then the underlying field should be made nullable and the values padded with None.

2016-10-09 18:39:16
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