
class SimpleArrayField(base_field, delimiter=', ', max_length=None, min_length=None) [source]

A simple field which maps to an array. It is represented by an HTML <input>.


This is a required argument.

It specifies the underlying form field for the array. This is not used to render any HTML, but it is used to process the submitted data and validate it. For example:

>>> from django.contrib.postgres.forms import SimpleArrayField
>>> from django import forms

>>> class NumberListForm(forms.Form):
...     numbers = SimpleArrayField(forms.IntegerField())

>>> form = NumberListForm({'numbers': '1,2,3'})
>>> form.is_valid()
>>> form.cleaned_data
{'numbers': [1, 2, 3]}

>>> form = NumberListForm({'numbers': '1,2,a'})
>>> form.is_valid()

This is an optional argument which defaults to a comma: ,. This value is used to split the submitted data. It allows you to chain SimpleArrayField for multidimensional data:

>>> from django.contrib.postgres.forms import SimpleArrayField
>>> from django import forms

>>> class GridForm(forms.Form):
...     places = SimpleArrayField(SimpleArrayField(IntegerField()), delimiter='|')

>>> form = GridForm({'places': '1,2|2,1|4,3'})
>>> form.is_valid()
>>> form.cleaned_data
{'places': [[1, 2], [2, 1], [4, 3]]}


The field does not support escaping of the delimiter, so be careful in cases where the delimiter is a valid character in the underlying field. The delimiter does not need to be only one character.


This is an optional argument which validates that the array does not exceed the stated length.


This is an optional argument which validates that the array reaches at least the stated length.

User friendly forms

SimpleArrayField is not particularly user friendly in most cases, however it is a useful way to format data from a client-side widget for submission to the server.

2016-10-09 18:39:20
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