

Once you’ve written your filter definition, you need to register it with your Library instance, to make it available to Django’s template language:

register.filter('cut', cut)
register.filter('lower', lower)

The Library.filter() method takes two arguments:

  1. The name of the filter – a string.
  2. The compilation function – a Python function (not the name of the function as a string).

You can use register.filter() as a decorator instead:

def cut(value, arg):
    return value.replace(arg, '')

def lower(value):
    return value.lower()

If you leave off the name argument, as in the second example above, Django will use the function’s name as the filter name.

Finally, register.filter() also accepts three keyword arguments, is_safe, needs_autoescape, and expects_localtime. These arguments are described in filters and auto-escaping and filters and time zones below.

2016-10-09 18:39:48
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