
Defined in header <cstdio>
char* fgets( char* str, int count, std::FILE* stream );

Reads at most count - 1 characters from the given file stream and stores them in str. The produced character string is always null-terminated. Parsing stops if end-of-file occurs or a newline character is found, in which case str will contain that newline character.


str - string to read the characters to
count - the length of str
stream - file stream to read the data from

Return value

str on success, NULL on failure.

If the failure has been caused by end of file condition, additionally sets the eof indicator (see std::feof()) on stdin. If the failure has been caused by some other error, sets the error indicator (see std::ferror()) on stdin.


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
int main()
    std::FILE* tmpf = std::tmpfile();
    std::fputs("Alan Turing\n", tmpf);
    std::fputs("John von Neumann\n", tmpf);
    std::fputs("Alonzo Church\n", tmpf);
    char buf[8];
    while (std::fgets(buf, sizeof buf, tmpf) != NULL) {
        std::cout << '"' << buf << '"' << '\n';


"Alan Tu"
"John vo"
"n Neuma"
"Alonzo "

See also

reads formatted input from stdin, a file stream or a buffer
(until C++14)
reads a character string from stdin
writes a character string to a file stream
C documentation for fgets
2016-10-11 10:02:46
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