
Defined in header <algorithm>
template< class InputIt, class OutputIt, class T >
OutputIt remove_copy( InputIt first, InputIt last, OutputIt d_first,
                      const T& value );
template< class InputIt, class OutputIt, class UnaryPredicate >
OutputIt remove_copy_if( InputIt first, InputIt last, OutputIt d_first,
                         UnaryPredicate p );

Copies elements from the range [first, last), to another range beginning at d_first, omitting the elements which satisfy specific criteria. The first version ignores the elements that are equal to value, the second version ignores the elements for which predicate p returns true. Source and destination ranges cannot overlap.


first, last - the range of elements to copy
d_first - the beginning of the destination range.
value - the value of the elements not to copy
Type requirements
- InputIt must meet the requirements of InputIterator.
- OutputIt must meet the requirements of OutputIterator.
- UnaryPredicate must meet the requirements of Predicate.

Return value

Iterator to the element past the last element copied.


Exactly last - first applications of the predicate.

Possible implementation

First version
template<class InputIt, class OutputIt, class T>
OutputIt remove_copy(InputIt first, InputIt last,
                     OutputIt d_first, const T& value)
    for (; first != last; ++first) {
        if (!(*first == value)) {
            *d_first++ = *first;
    return d_first;
Second version
template<class InputIt, class OutputIt, class UnaryPredicate>
OutputIt remove_copy_if(InputIt first, InputIt last,
                        OutputIt d_first, UnaryPredicate p)
    for (; first != last; ++first) {
        if (!p(*first)) {
            *d_first++ = *first;
    return d_first;


The following code outputs a string while erasing the spaces on the fly.

#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
int main()
    std::string str = "Text with some   spaces";
    std::cout << "before: " << str << "\n";
    std::cout << "after:  ";
    std::remove_copy(str.begin(), str.end(),
                     std::ostream_iterator<char>(std::cout), ' ');
    std::cout << '\n';


before: Text with some   spaces
after:  Textwithsomespaces

See also

removes elements satisfying specific criteria
(function template)
copies a range of elements to a new location
(function template)
(parallelism TS)
parallelized version of std::remove_copy
(function template)
(parallelism TS)
parallelized version of std::remove_copy_if
(function template)
2016-10-11 10:06:12
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