Union declaration

A union is a special class type that can hold only one of its non-static data members at a time.

The class specifier for a union declaration is similar to class or struct declaration:

union attr class-head-name { member-specification }
attr(C++11) - optional sequence of any number of attributes
class-head-name - the name of the union that's being defined. Optionally prepended by nested-name-specifier (sequence of names and scope-resolution operators, ending with scope-resolution operator). The name may be omitted, in which case the union is unnamed
member-specification - list of access specifiers, member object and member function declarations and definitions.

A union can have member functions (including constructors and destructors), but not virtual functions.

A union cannot have base classes and cannot be used as a base class.

A union cannot have data members of reference types.

Unions cannot contain a non-static data member with a non-trivial special member function (copy constructor, copy-assignment operator, or destructor). (until C++11)
If a union contains a non-static data member with a non-trivial special member function (default constructor, copy/move constructor, copy/move assignment, or destructor) that function is deleted by default in the union and needs to be defined explicitly by the programmer.

At most one data member can have a default member initializer.

(since C++11)

Just like in struct declaration, the default member access in a union is public.


The union is only as big as necessary to hold its largest data member. The other data members are allocated in the same bytes as part of that largest member. The details of that allocation are implementation-defined, and it's undefined behavior to read from the member of the union that wasn't most recently written. Many compilers implement, as a non-standard language extension, the ability to read inactive members of a union.

#include <iostream>
union S {
    std::int32_t n; // occupies 4 bytes
    std::uint16_t s[2]; // occupies 4 bytes
    std::uint8_t c; // occupies 1 byte
}; // the whole union occupies 4 bytes
int main()
    S s = {0x12345678}; // initializes the first member, s.n is now the active member
    // at this point, reading from s.s or s.c is UB
    std::cout << std::hex << "s.n = " << s.n << '\n';
    s.s[0] = 0x0011; // s.s is now the active member
    // at this point, reading from n or c is UB but most compilers define this
    std::cout << "s.c is now " << +s.c << '\n' // 11 or 00, depending on platform
              << "s.n is now " << s.n << '\n'; // 12340011 or 00115678 

Each member is allocated as if it is the only member of the class.

If members of a union are classes with user-defined constructors and destructors, to switch the active member, explicit destructor and placement new are generally needed:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
union S {
    std::string str;
    std::vector<int> vec;
    ~S() {} // needs to know which member is active, only possible in union-like class 
}; // the whole union occupies max(sizeof(string), sizeof(vector<int>))
int main()
    S s = {"Hello, world"};
    // at this point, reading from s.vec is UB
    std::cout << "s.str = " << s.str << '\n';
    new (&s.vec) std::vector<int>;
    // now, s.vec is the active member of the union
    std::cout << s.vec.size() << '\n';
(since C++11)

If two union members are standard-layout types, it's well-defined to examine their common subsequence on any compiler.

Anonymous unions

An unnamed union definition that does not define any objects, pointers, or references is an anonymous union definition.

union { member-specification } ;

Anonymous unions have further restrictions: they cannot have member functions, cannot have static data members, and all their data members must be public. The only declarations allowed are non-static data members and static_assert declarations (since C++14).

Members of an anonymous union are injected in the enclosing scope (and must not conflict with other names declared there).

int main()
    union { int a; const char* p; };
    a = 1;
    p = "Jennifer";

Namespace-scope anonymous unions must be static.

Union-like classes

A union-like class is any class with at least one anonymous union as a member. The members of all member anonymous unions of a class are called its variant members.

A union is also a union-like class. The variant members of a union consists of its non-static data members that is not an anonymous union, and the members of all of its member anonymous unions.

Union-like classes can be used to implement tagged unions.

#include <iostream>
// S has one non-static data member (tag), three enumerator members, 
// and three variant members (c, n, d)
struct S
    enum {CHAR, INT, DOUBLE} tag;
    union {
        char c;
        int n;
        double d;
void print_s(const S& s)
        case S::CHAR: std::cout << s.c << '\n'; break;
        case S::INT: std::cout << s.n << '\n'; break;
        case S::DOUBLE: std::cout << s.d << '\n'; break;
int main()
    S s = {S::CHAR, 'a'};
    s.tag = S::INT; s.n = 123;

Defect reports

The following behavior-changing defect reports were applied retroactively to previously published C++ standards.

DR Applied to Behavior as published Correct behavior
CWG 1940 c++14 anonymous unions only allowed non-static data members static_assert also allowed

See also

C documentation for Union declaration
2016-10-11 10:08:55
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