
tf.contrib.learn.monitors.CheckpointSaver.step_end(step, output)

Callback after training step finished.

This callback provides access to the tensors/ops evaluated at this step, including the additional tensors for which evaluation was requested in step_begin.

In addition, the callback has the opportunity to stop training by returning True. This is useful for early stopping, for example.

Note that this method is not called if the call to that followed the last call to step_begin() failed.

  • step: int, the current value of the global step.
  • output: dict mapping string values representing tensor names to the value resulted from running these tensors. Values may be either scalars, for scalar tensors, or Numpy array, for non-scalar tensors.

bool. True if training should stop.

  • ValueError: if we've not begun a step, or step number does not match.
2016-10-14 13:06:10
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